Getting started
Quick start

Quick start

This is a quick 3-step guide for Upstage Console and you can find more informations in the FAQ.

Select a API and create a project

To create a project, you need to register a payment method.

  1. Select a API : Go to the APIs menu. Choose the one that fits your needs.
  2. Create a project: Click on Create new project. Don't worry, Creating a project is free of charge.

Get an API access token

  1. Navigate to credentials: Inside your project, find and click the Credentials tab.
  2. Create an access token: Click on the Access Token button. Enter a name for your token and click Create.
  3. Copy the access token: Your access token will be generated. Make sure to copy it to your clipboard.
    • Keep your access token secure and confidential.
    • Lost your token? No worries, you can always generate a new one.

Make an API request

  1. Return to the page of the API you selected in Step 1.
  2. You can see sample code, such as cURL, etc. Enjoy!
  3. To learn more about using the API, please read the Tutorials or APIs.
  4. For questions or help, click Getting Help (opens in a new tab) to contact the help center.